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• Automated Set Up - most sections can be set up automatically using the intuitive touch screen for quick and accurate change over


•  Servo Motor Driven for accurate positioning of the book block. The pressure of the press is adjusted automatically so no marks remain on the trimmed book. Oil-less control for environmentally friendly operation


• Book of one Production - allowing for books of the same size but different thickness to be trimmed at the same time.


• In-line Production - with the BQ-470 this provides greatly efficient book production

The HT-80 automated three knife trimmer can be used off-line or in-line for fast, efficient book production.


It can be connected to our new BQ-470 Perfect Binder for incredible in-line production efficiency to offer us and our clients a better, faster and more cost effective result.

This addition to our plant gives McHargs so much more capacity and promises our customers and even better, faster result. The working advantages of not just this machine but also the BQ-470 and the ability to use both in-line for book production is a huge leap forward for us. Now, we truly are offering so much more.

If you'd like to know more about the HT-80 and what it can offer you, talk to us and we'll happily explain in more detail why this is such a great addition to our existing capabilites and how it can improve your jobs.



Konstruk Content Management System